Industry News

Regarding "coal to gas", the northernmost multi-terrain ceramics production area has been ultimatum! Coal-to-gas equipment re-energizes

Date:2017/7/3 12:22:45 Author:

In the face of the normalization and accountability of the Ministry of Environmental Protection's supervision this year, many production areas in the north require ceramic enterprises to purchase and install environmental protection facilities such as desulfurization, out-of-stock, dust removal and online monitoring, and require ceramic enterprises to accelerate the “coal reform”. The pace of gas. Coal-to-gas equipment has once again become the focus.

Shijiazhuang, Hebei

Shijiazhuang issued an ultimatum to the three counties of Gaochun, Zanhuang and Xingtang under the jurisdiction, requiring 34 ceramic enterprises to complete the natural gas transformation by September 30. Coal-to-gas equipment is imperative. In fact, after being investigated and dealt with by the Ministry of Environmental Protection on April 7, Gaochun County has already implemented the “coal to gas” of ceramic enterprises. For ceramic enterprises that do not change natural gas, it is absolutely not allowed to put into production. Under the pressure of policy, many ceramic enterprises in Gaochun have used coal-to-gas equipment and are also in production.

On April 6, Zhao Yingmin, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, arrived in Shijiazhuang to carry out heavy pollution weather supervision work.

Shanxi Yangcheng

Not only Shijiazhuang, Shanxi Yangcheng has strict requirements for ceramic enterprises to change their coal to gas. Since 2015, Yangcheng County has proposed that ceramic enterprises implement “coal to gas”. After replacing coal-to-gas equipment, due to various reasons such as insufficient gas volume, only some enterprises have replaced “coal-to-gas equipment” until the end of 2016. It is worth noting that Yangcheng ceramics enterprises are not using natural gas, but coalbed methane.

Beginning in 2015, Yangcheng County will open the “coal-to-gas equipment” project in the ceramic industrial park.

In June, Yangcheng County proposed a comprehensive transformation of pollution prevention and control facilities for eight key industries, including ceramics, electric power, cement, chemicals, bricks, stone mining, foundry, and coal, and focused on the implementation of specific emission limits for pollutants. Reconstruction and industrial enterprise material yards are completely closed. The power industry has completed the ultra-low emission transformation task before the end of October. The coal-fired boilers in other industries have completed the special emission limit benchmarking before the end of September. All industrial enterprises are in 9 All completed material storage yards will be completely closed before the end of the month, and unfinished enterprises will be discontinued.

Huairen, Shanxi

Huairen County of Shanxi Province issued the “Implementation Plan for Promoting the Use of Natural Gas by Ceramic Enterprises” and issued the “Notice on the Conversion of Ceramic Enterprises to Natural Gas in the County”, requiring the county ceramic enterprises to complete the “coal to gas” before the end of May. For coal-fired boilers, all use “coal-to-gas equipment”. Open a “green channel” for enterprises that have completed coal-to-gas conversion and establish a long-term supervision and inspection mechanism. At present, the 31 ceramic enterprises involved in the use of gas generators in the county have all ceased to use, and the transformation of “coal to gas equipment” has been completed, and the original gas generator has been changed to use natural gas as fuel. So far, 45 ceramics in the county. The company has all achieved clean production.

As early as the end of 2016, Chenzhou City held a promotion meeting for natural gas renovation projects of ceramic enterprises. The subordinate Huairen County also started the work of “coal to gas”.

Henan Neihuang, Hebi

In addition, Henan Neihuang, Hebi and other production areas have also proposed to implement "coal to gas", and the implementation plan and timetable for coal-to-gas equipment, according to informed sources, local ceramic enterprises "coal to gas" October or deadline.

“Although the cost has increased after replacing the coal-to-gas equipment, the calorific value of natural gas combustion is much higher than that of gas, and the product quality is better. From the perspective of environmental protection and safety, after using the new natural gas generator, the safety factor is also Greatly improved." The person in charge of Gaochunyi Ceramics told reporters that “a mature enterprise must combine economic interests with social interests and ecological interests by fulfilling social responsibilities and environmental responsibilities, so that the company can combine current interests with long-term interests.”

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